

Submissions for volume 26 (2022-23) of the Ometeca journal that were announced previously on social media by David Dalton, Editor, as well as future conferences of the Ometeca Institute are hereby canceled, due to our “farewell.”

Farewell to the Ometeca Institute on Dec. 31, 2023! 

The Directors of the Ometeca Institute have conferred, and we have decided to celebrate its completion of 34 years as a leading academic institute focusing on the relations of the humanities, mainly literature, and the sciences in the Luso/Hispanic world. 25 volumes of the Ometeca journal have been published and 14 conferences/working sessions have been sponsored in the US, Latin America, and Europe. We feel that it is best to close down this long, fruitful project at the end of 2023, which Rafael began in 1989, and to retire from this endeavor. Thus, no more conferences will take place and there will be no more volumes of the Ometeca journal published henceforth. We sincerely believe it is time to move on and we wish you the very best.

With warm appreciation to all of our supporters and participants, 

James D. Anderson, Treasurer & Managing Editor (, and Rafael Català, Founder, Editor Emeritus & Advisor       

Science and Humanities/Ciencia y humanidades/
Ciência e humanidades

Ometeca (ISSN 1041-3650) is a refereed scholarly publication that has been devoted to the relations of the humanities and science since 1989. It publishes theoretical articles on the relations of humanities and science in general, critical studies on science in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian literatures and cultures, and “sciencepoetry.”  Ometeca publishes material in three languages: English, Portuguese, and Spanish.  See  the Table of Contents (above) for specific volumes.

Opinions expressed by contributors to Ometeca are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of the Editor(s), the Editorial Board of the journal, or the Ometeca Institute.

Copyright © by the Ometeca Institute and the individual authors, who hold the copyright for their contributions.  All rights reserved.

Archived: Submissions

The submission and style requirements for manuscripts are described in what follows; articles should be e-mailed to the Editor, Prof. David Dalton,

Guide for Authors

Ometeca (; ISSN 1041-3650) is a refereed, peer-reviewed, scholarly publication devoted to the relations of literature and science. It publishes theoretical articles on the following: the relations of literature and science in general; critical studies on science, not only in Hispanic literatures and cultures (Spanish American, Peninsular, U.S. Latino/a/ix), but also in Luso-Brazilian; science poetry and reviews. Material published in Ometeca must be in English, Portuguese, or Spanish. Only work not previously published will be considered by the Ometeca journal. Authors must agree not to publish elsewhere material submitted to and accepted by the journal without the Editor’s written approval: if needed, please e-mail the Editor, Prof. David Dalton,

Copyright, illustrations, and images. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission from the copyright holder to reproduce material for which copyright exists, including illustrations or images, and providing that permission by the time that an article is accepted for publication. However, brief quotes of material may be cited with appropriate attribution to their creators. For Images for Academic Publishing (IAP) or for public domain, open access, Creative Commons images, please give proper credit as well. If any illustrations or images are included, they may need to be published in black and white. For images, send a 300 dpi resolution (or higher) jpg at the time of submission.

Submission in electronic form only. Please use MSWord for the PC or Mac, not PDF files, to allow for edits. Do not mix tables and graphics, if any, with the text file: include the text, tables and graphics as separate files. Do not employ bolded or underlined text; instead, use italics only for foreign words or book titles. Do not utilize any other formatting codes. Receipt of your submission will be acknowledged by e-mail.

Title page. The title page must contain: (i) the full title of the article; (ii) name(s) of the author(s); (iii) affiliation(s) of the author(s) at the time that the work was conducted; (iv) full corresponding address(es) of the author(s), telephone and fax numbers; (v) e-mail address(es); (vi) an endnote giving any acknowledgements. If the information in items
i-vi changes, please update it via an e-mail to the Editor.

Style, citations, and references. Submissions must be double-spaced and use the Times New Roman 12 font, including text, title, subtitles (if any), captions, author affiliation, and references. Utilize a single space after punctuation. Employ 1 inch margins. Pages need to be sized for 8½ x 11 inch paper. Articles should be between 20-40 pp., including all notes, citations, bibliography or works cited. Science poetry and book reviews should be no more than 6 pp.  For Guest Editor issues, also consult their own “Call for Papers” (CFP) for length requirements, etc. Sections should be indicated by centered subheadings. For dashes, use an Em-dash ( — ) with a space at both ends if the body of the paper or text is in English, or the rules for normal spacing, if it is in other languages. Avoid endnotes or footnotes; the preferred format is the parenthetical method (in the body of the text), described by the Modern Language Association (MLA).  If it is essential to include explicatory notes that cannot be accommodated in the body, limit these and utilize only continuously numbered endnotes before the bibliography or works cited. Whether paraphrasing or quoting directly, your source must be credited properly. Do not underline the titles of books — italicize them, instead. All references must be listed under the bibliography or works cited; place those sources after the body and endnotes (if any). Avoid using acronyms for journal titles and incomplete references. Ometeca follows the latest style guidelines of the MLA — see https://www.mla. org/MLA-Style.

Book reviews. Unsolicited book reviews are not accepted.  Authors should ask their publishers to send a copy of the book to be considered for review to the Review Editor, Prof. Juan Carlos Martín Galván,

Communications. For all communications other than subscriptions, please contact: Prof. David Dalton, Editor,

Normas editoriales/Suscripciones

Si desea recibir estas pautas editoriales y los precios de las suscripciones en español, por favor, pídaselos por correo electrónico al Prof. David Dalton, Editor,


Subscription Rates

Prices are listed per volume. Newer and older volumes cost the same.

For single volumes, the prices are the following:

  • In the United States and Canada, individuals: US$20.00; institutions: US$35.00.
  • In Europe, Australia, and Japan: individuals: US$30.00; institutions: US$40.00.
  • Other countries: individuals: US$22.00; institutions: US$28.00.

Double issues, such as volume 19/20 (published in 2014-2015), cost twice the amount listed above.

All payments must be in U.S. funds drawn on U.S. banks, or sent via international, postal money orders. 

Send orders or questions about subscriptions to the Treasurer,  Dr. James Anderson,, Ometeca Institute, 14962 Rednock Ln, Miami Lakes, FL 33016-1464 (note new address, USA); telephone: 727-641-0391.


Issues from 2021-2011

Vol. 25 (2020-21)


Alicia Rivero, Editor

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

How having insufficient access to clean, potable water impacts the disenfranchised disproportionately is probed in Spanish America by Castillo, Díaz Pascacio, and Osorio Gil (“Water Knowledges”), as well as in the Canary Islands by García-Santana (“Agua y dinamita”). Castillo et al. examine the implications that an engaged, international, multidisciplinary project, Aguakinesis, had on such issues. Aguakinesis, in which they participated, involved not only a humanist (Castillo), an engineer (Díaz Pascacio), a social scientist (Osorio Gil), artists, and many others who provided their skills and knowledge, but also indigenous communities helping themselves. García-Santana demonstrates the ways in which water symbolizes multiple structures of inequality, class, and oppressive power in García Ramos’s novel, Guad. Both articles espouse social, political, and environmental equity and justice.

Chandler (“Of Automatons and Androcentric Desire”) plumbs gender, autonomy, the fictionalization of history, and commodification, in addition to automation in Padilla’s El androide y otras quimeras. Vázquez Cruz (“Evolución tecno-digital”) explores the evolution of novels from 1967 to 2016 by self-identified, gay writers who use technology and the digital in Spanish America and Spain.

As a genre that mediates between science and literature, the history and development of field guides are traced by Izaguirre (“Field Guide or Fiction?”). He investigates their representations of the fauna and flora of Latin America, especially in the Amazon. They were written largely by foreigners and he questions the motives for those depictions. Izaguirre also compares how selected novels from the region, such as Rivera’s La vorágine and Souza’s Mad Maria, describe this large, ecologically rich, geographical area that has often been misrepresented as part of a foreign imaginary or, more recently, by ecotourism.

Silva (“Marxismo, religião e ideologia”) analyzes the relationships among Marxism, secularism, science, and religion in Brazil.

In Memoriam: The Ometeca Institute remembers gratefully and fondly our colleague, Dr. Jerry Hoeg, who passed away in 2020. He was a President/Director of the Institute (2015-2020) and an Editor of Ometeca (2001-2016). See his detailed obituary under News, which will be archived there for some time.


Castillo, Debra A., Erika Díaz Pascacio, and Carolina Osorio Gil. “Water Knowledges: Engaged Interdisciplinary Research and Practice”: pp. 7-25.

García-Santana, Lucía. “Agua y dinamita: Violencia lenta y paz sistémica en Guad de Alfonso García Ramos”: pp. 26-48.

Chandler, Brian. “Of Automatons and Androcentric Desire: Control and Commodification in Ignacio Padilla’s El androide y otras quimeras”: pp. 49-66.

Vázquez Cruz, Carlos. “Evolución tecno-digital y disrupción locativa en novelas gays hispánicas (1967-2016)”: pp. 67-96.

Izaguirre, Frank. “Field Guide or Fiction?: Textual Representations of Wildlife in the Amazon”: pp. 97-114.

Silva, Antonio Ozaí da. “Marxismo, religião e ideologia secular religiosa”: pp. 115-152 (complete, revised article).

Vol. 24 (2018-19)

Special Section I: Religion in Brazil


Eva Bueno, Guest Editor

St. Mary’s University

The first five essays of the current issue of Ometeca are the result of a conversation among Brazilian intellectuals in different fields who  are have long inquired how concepts and ideas about religion, science, philosophical thinking and popular culture have been woven into the fabric of the nation from its very beginning. More crucially, we have asked how these ideas and concepts changed throughout the centuries, at the same time that they transformed the country.

Religion is perhaps the most comprehensive of these terms, since it has encompassed — and sometimes subsumed — all the others in different periods of the history of Brazil. Starting with the forced “conversion” of the natives to the Christianity brought ashore by the Portuguese, to the creation of the Theology of Liberation during the period of military dictatorship, to the increased power of the Evangelical Church and the decreased reach of the Catholic Church, even a very cursory look at Brazil shows that the ruling White elites’ preference for anything European( many times led to physical violence, cultural erasure, and wholesale attempts to suppress the voice of minorities in the name of “science” and not unusually under the guise of religious zeal.

The first essay, by Antonio Ozaí da Silva, discusses how philosophical thought (in this case, Marxism) can acquire the same force as religion and work with the same tools. Ozaí reminds us that fear is a weapon common to religion and to secular orthodoxies, both trying to convince/force the straying devotee or party member to stay within their boundaries. His essay discusses Marxism in Brazil and pauses to document the experience and suffering of many of the first Marxists. The next essay, by Márcio Douglas de Carvalho e Silva, is a study of an example of what can be considered the “antidote” to official religion: the popular religion embodied in the devotion to São Gonçalo. Indeed, with his clothes, hat, and guitar, the saint looks more like the people who receive the image in their houses (and who were interviewed for Carvalho e Silva’s research) than with those saints who appear in the usual Catholic canon. A different kind of religious experience is the object of study in Leonardo D’Avila’s essay: the complex matter of the religious conversion to Catholicism of two Brazilian poets, Jorge de Lima and Murilo Mendes. D’Avila questions, alongside other authors, whether the conversion — as it appears in the book that Lima and Mendes co-autored, Tempo e Eternidade — can be seen as a matter of language, or as a homage to their mutual friend, the painter Ismael Nery, who died one year before the book was published. Maria Gabriela S. M. C. Marinho’s essay delves into the correspondence between two pivotal figures of Brazilian culture and literature one decade before the publication of Tempo e Eternidade, Monteiro Lobato and Artur Neiva. Her main interest is to analyze how both writers advocate a discourse of science and modernity in their letters, while at the same time expressing old prejudices and downright racism against those whom they considered inferior and non-conforming with the ideals of “modernity” to which they (and most of the Brazilian elite) aspired.

The last essay, written by Neusa Serra and Rafael Saad Fernandes, works with a contemporary reality that artists and craftspeople face in our time, when the usual lack of official support for the arts is counterbalanced by the attempts to use the principles of a solidarity economy to ensure that funding — even though scarce — can be shared and, in a sense, multiplied. Serra and Saad Fernandes show how a solidarity economy has influenced the construction of cultural politics in the ABC region of the City of São Paulo, and how some of the knowledge acquired in São Paulo can be used by other artists throughout Brazil.

Today, eugenic “scientific” ideas like Lobato’s and Neiva’s — although part of the history of the country — are no longer acceptable.  At the same time, religious affiliations/conversions to one or another religion cause a lot less scandal. The motto — “Ordem e Progresso” —a clear allegiance to the Positivist thought in vogue at the time that the flag and the republic were created, can be interpreted in several ways. Is the more recent understanding of the truly diverse racial, religious and cultural face of Brazil an affirmation or sign of the destruction of the “order and progress” that the Brazilian flag claims? For those who shared Lobato’s and Neiva’s racist ideas, there has not been any order, much less progress. However, for most Brazilians, the fact that devotees of São Gonçalo, or of the Afro-Brazilian religions, or of Catholicism, or of Evangelicalism, can share the same space without trying to silence one another is definitely a sign of progress. A country created in the midst of so much suffering and so much violence can perhaps come up in the future with the best possible practices for peace, solidarity and fraternity, as so many artists in Brazil have demonstrated.

Section II: Note on Spanish American and Spanish Literature; Book Review

Alicia Rivero, Editor, Ometeca, and Section II
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, U.S.A.

Luis Arata compares models of time in Julio Cortázar’s Rayuela with Jorge Luis Borges’ short stories and essays on a similar theme.

Juan Carlos Martín Galván examines how “The Plague” (“La plaga”), a science fiction tale by Felicidad Martínez, decries the negative impacts of anthropocentrism on nonhuman others.

Mark Lokensgard reviews James Wadsworth’s In Defence of the Faith: Joaquim Marques de Araújo.  This historical tome uses a once important, but now obscure official of the Inquisition in Pernambuco’s late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries to comment on the colonial politics, mores, religion, institutions, and economy of Brazil.  However, it suggests, indirectly, that there are parallels between that historical period and twentieth-century Brazilian funcionários públicos during the secular republic, according to Lokensgard.

Religion in Brazil


Ozaí da Silva, Antonio. “Marxismo, religião e ideologia secular religiosa”: pp. 11-22 (excerpt).

De Carvalho e Silva, Márcio Douglas. “O ritual de pagamento de promessas à São Gonçalo no Brasil: Etonografia de uma devoção popular”: pp. 23-52.

D’Avila, Leonardo. “Versos e conversões em Tempo e Eternidade”: pp. 53-77.

Marinho, Maria Gabriela S. M.C. “Ciência, retórica da modernidade e desprezo político na correspondência de Monteiro Lobato e Artur Neiva”: pp. 78-111.

Serra, Neusa, e Rafael Saad Fernandez. “Economia criativa e construção de políticas culturais no ABC paulista”: pp. 112-36.

Spanish American and Spanish Literature


Arata, Luis. “Time in Borges and Cortázar”: pp. 137-53.

Martín Galván, Juan Carlos. “’The Plague,’ Nonhuman, Posthuman, and the Environment in Spanish Science Fiction”: pp. 154-83.

Book Review

Lokensgard, Mark A. Review of In Defence of the Faith: Joaquim Marques de Araújo, a Comissário in the Age of Inquisitional Decline, by James. E. Wadsworth: pp. 184-88.

Vol. 23 (2017)


Alicia Rivero, Editor
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

C.P. Snow, a physicist, bemoaned the separation of science and humanities in his famous Cambridge lecture of 1959, “The Two Cultures.” He considered literary intellectuals uninformed about science. In contrast, Snow idealized scientists. Snow expanded his lecture in his Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution. This tome was later revised partially by him. In one of many publications since then which discuss the polemics surrounding Snow, Lawrence Krauss, also a physicist, lamented in 2009 that “Snow’s vision has gone unrealized” ( However, Lévy-Leblond, a physicist-philosopher, provides an indirect reply to Krauss much earlier by uniting the scientific and literary in “Le Miroir” (translated from French by López Mújica in “El espejo”), as do the more recent authors included in this volume of Ometeca. Salutary views are espoused by Lévy-Leblond, who probes what literature and its scholars can contribute positively to science, and literary criticism to scientific fields.

Thus, this issue blends scientific disciplines with literature and other humanities, as one would expect in Ometeca, which includes digital humanities in volume 23 with Glazier. He is the Director of the Electronic Poetry Center, a poet-programmer, a media professor and performer, as well as an essayist of poetics (e.g., Digital Poetics), among other roles that he plays professionally. Glazier also interweaves said “cultures” originally in poems like “Not-Moth” and in his revised keynote, “Albaizín,” both of which are included in this issue, as do the articles contained in this volume. Glazier’s excerpt of “Not-Moth” is a good example of science poetry that Ometeca also publishes, in the spirit of the Ometeca Institute’s founder, Rafael Català, a poet in his own right. In Glazier’s case, this genre includes the digital, programmed construction of “Not-Moth” and the poetic theory underpinning it, explained in his “Author’s Remarks” to the poem and in “Albaizín.” Be that as it may, this is not a tome of selected proceedings: some work consists not only of revised, expanded conference papers or the excerpted poem and keynote presented at the Ometeca Conference in 2016, but also of new contributions.

From prehistory to post-history, this volume contains fictional or theoretical representations of early humans by novelists and anthropologists (Carr and Pratt), as well as depictions of the posthuman (Gámez Perez) and cyborgs (Krieg; Martín Galván). Modeling is another concept that is explored in literature and neuroscience (Arata), or in cybernetics and communication studies (Martinez). In addition, the relations between naturalist and environmental texts within and without Costa Rica are explored, together with their impact on that nation’s conservation programs (Izaguirre).

As is typical for the journal, then, this volume of Ometeca addresses a wide range of interdisciplinary and multicultural interests in the broadest sense. It also reviews notable books: Gala’s Synergies: Poetry, Physics, and Painting in Twentieth-Century Spain (2011) and Palomo’s 2016 translation of it, Sinergías: Poesía, física y pintura en la España del siglo XX (Cavanaugh). Various literatures are probed in this issue of the journal: those of Latin America and Spain, as usual, in addition to Latino/a/ix, North American, Italian, and French texts, etc.

To conclude, if I may be permitted a brief explanation, the Editor’s torch was passed from Jerry Hoeg to me. This happened when he became the Ometeca Institute’s current President/Director, after the untimely demise of our beloved and admired former head — Kevin Larsen —, commemorated in a prior volume of the journal. Dr. Hoeg’s act will be a difficult one to follow, but I’ll do my best. Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Jerry not only for his leadership and selfless service to the profession, but also for his invaluable help.


Arata, Luis O. “Creative Translations: Modeling from Borges to Llinas”: pp. 8-16.

Carr, William F., and Dale J. Pratt. “Minds in the Cave: Translation and Early Human Subjectivities in Spanish Novels of Prehistory”: pp. 17-44.

Gámez Perez, Carlos. “Tecnología y medio ambiente en la literatura posthumana española”: pp. 45-60.

Izaguirre, Frank. “Green Letters for the Green Republic: The Role of Environmental Literature in Costa Rica’s Rise as a Conservation Paragon”: pp. 61-75.

Krieg, Sam. “Futurist Parody in Vicente Huidobro and Hans Arp’s ‘Salvad vuestros ojos’”: pp. 76-93.

López Mújica, Montserrat, translator. “El espejo, la retorta y la piedra de toque o ¿qué puede aportar la literatura a la ciencia?” By Jean- Marc Lévy-Leblond: pp. 94-117.

Martín Galván, Juan Carlos. “¿Qué significa ser posthumano?: aproximaciones críticas al concepto de la posthumanidad desde la ciencia ficción española”: pp. 118-34.

Martinez, Mark Anthony. “De Las Máquinas Vivas . . .”: pp. 135-49.

Book Review

Cavanaugh, Cecelia J., S.S.J. Review of Synergies: Poetry, Physics, and Painting in Twentieth-Century Spain, by Candelas Gala, and Sinergías: Poesía, Física y Pintura en la España del Siglo XX, by Candelas Gala: pp. 150-52.

Science Poetry

Glazier, Loss Pequeño. “Not-Moth” — Author’s Remarks and Excerpt: pp. 153-59.

Keynote (Ometeca Conference 2016)

Glazier, Loss Pequeño. “Albayzín, Arrays, ‘Asombro de Luna’: Towards Language, the Multiple, and the Balcony’s Steady Gaze” (Excerpt): pp. 160-79.

Vol. 22 (2016)


Surveillance, Infiltration, and Participation: Alexander von Humboldt and Madame Frances Calderón de la Barca in the Americas, by Jennifer Brady: p. 12.

Unamuno’s Existential Thermodynamics, by Linda B. Bartlett: p. 24.

Guillén/Newton Vallejo/Einstein: Universos paralelos, paranoicos y nomadológicos, by Rick McCallister: p. 35.

Os imigrantes portugueses na bélle époque carioca e a redefinição da identidade nacional, by Célia Carmen Cordeiro: p. 45.

A Nau dos Tropicalistas: Chacal, poesia errante, by Renata Gonçalves Gomes: p. 64.

A religião em Macunaíma: Como compreender aspectos culturais brasileiros por meio da linguagem mítica na rapsódia de Mário de Andrade, by Paula Daniela Silva Marinho: p. 78.

Subversão à moralidade: leituras de cinco mulheres machadianas em O jornal das famílias, by Valdiney Valente Lobato de Castro: p. 92.

A noção de cultura como viagem na literatura brasileira contemporânea, by Alessandra Valério: p. 100.

Religião e pobreza: Representações e identidade no cinema brasileiro contemporâneo, by Vanessa C. Fitzgibbon: p. 117.

Negotiating Cross-Cultural Representation in Antonio Risério’s Fetiche, by Jonathan Fleck: p. 138.

Global Discourses, Networks, and Digital Media in Recent Spanish Novels, by Luis I. Prádanos: p. 154.

No Universo Musical de Chico Buarque: Tradutor de Almas e Arquiteto de Canções, by Cristiane Soares: p. 166.

Terra Papagalli: A Historical Novel Deconstructing Brazil’s Official History of Discovery, by Regina Castro McGowan: p. 179.

Holy Mole: A Take on Mexican Cuisine in New York City, by Viviana Rangil: p. 191.

Book Review

Life-writing in Carmen Martin Gaite’s Cuadernos do todo and her novels of the 1990s, by Jerry Hoeg: p. 205.

Vol. 21 (2015)

Special Volume in Honor of Kevin. S. Larsen


Surveillance, Infiltration, and Participation: Alexander von Humboldt and Madame Frances Calderón de la Barca in the Americas, by Jennifer Brady: p. 12.

Unamuno’s Existential Thermodynamics, by Linda B. Bartlett: p. 24.

Guillén/Newton Vallejo/Einstein: Universos paralelos, paranoicos y nomadológicos, by Rick McCallister: p. 35.

Os imigrantes portugueses na bélle époque carioca e a redefinição da identidade nacional, by Célia Carmen Cordeiro: p. 45.

A Nau dos Tropicalistas: Chacal, poesia errante, by Renata Gonçalves Gomes: p. 64.

A religião em Macunaíma: Como compreender aspectos culturais brasileiros por meio da linguagem mítica na rapsódia de Mário de Andrade, by Paula Daniela Silva Marinho: p. 78.

Subversão à moralidade: leituras de cinco mulheres machadianas em O jornal das famílias, by Valdiney Valente Lobato de Castro: p. 92.

A noção de cultura como viagem na literatura brasileira contemporânea, by Alessandra Valério: p. 100.

Religião e pobreza: Representações e identidade no cinema brasileiro contemporâneo, by Vanessa C. Fitzgibbon: p. 117.

Negotiating Cross-Cultural Representation in Antonio Risério’s Fetiche, by Jonathan Fleck: p. 138.

Global Discourses, Networks, and Digital Media in Recent Spanish Novels, by Luis I. Prádanos: p. 154.

No Universo Musical de Chico Buarque: Tradutor de Almas e Arquiteto de Canções, by Cristiane Soares: p. 166.

Terra Papagalli: A Historical Novel Deconstructing Brazil’s Official History of Discovery, by Regina Castro McGowan: p. 179.

Holy Mole: A Take on Mexican Cuisine in New York City, by Viviana Rangil: p. 191.

Book Review

Life-writing in Carmen Martin Gaite’s Cuadernos do todo and her novels of the 1990s, by Jerry Hoeg: p. 205.

Vol. 19/20 (double issue, 2014-2015)

Special volume: Brazilian Theater

Guest Editors: Profs. Eva P. Bueno of St. Mary’s University and Robson Corrêa de Camargo of Universidade Federal de Goiás.

“The cover represents Brazilian theater’s long story from the time of the first Portuguese missionaries to the present.  Theater is part of the history of the nation, so its traditional masks appear with the flag, the national bird, the “tucano,” and the “figa,” our symbol for good luck.  Collage by Eva Bueno.” –Dr. Jim Anderson


A urdidura da narrativa na construção de momentos da história do teatro brasileiro da década de 1970, by Jacó Guinsburg and Rosângela Patriota: p. 17

Peões em cena: o cotidiano da construção de um teatro operário no ABC paulista, by Tin Urbinatti: p. 41

O teatro infantil brasileiro: história, pedagogia e arte, by Leny Fernandes Zulim: p. 58

Um pouco de história e estórias do teatro de animação no Brasil – 1970 a 2010, by Wagner Cintra: p. 80

Momentos do teatro de rua no Brasil: um breve olhar histórico, by Licko Turle and Jussara Trindade: p. 100

Imbricamentos entre arte e política: teatro de grupo na cidade de São Paulo e movimentos contra a barbárie, by Alexandre Mate: p. 118

O som e o sentido do sotaque: um estudo voltado para o teatro paraibano, by Adriana Fernandes: p. 139

Possível identidade estético-teatral mestiça em “Capitão e a sereia,”do Grupo Clowns de Shakespeare, by Erlon Cherque Pinto: p. 156

Circo-família, Circo-teatro: é teatro no circo, by Ermínia Silva: p. 171

Melodrama e a Cia dos Atores do Rio de Janeiro: novas formas dramáticas de um velho gênero, by Robson Corrêa de Camargo: p. 190

Tendências do teatro brasileiro contemporâneo, by Silvia Fernandes: p 217

Pelo devir de uma historiografia do teatro gaúcho, by Taís Ferreira: p 238

Memórias compartilhadas, by Rita de Almeida Castro: p. 261

Beckett com pés de Curupira: o grupo Máskara e as leituras erecepções de Beckett no interior do Brasil, by Eduardo José Reinato: p. 273

Book Reviews

Life-writing in Carmen Martin Gaite’s Cuadernos do todo and her novels of the 1990s: p. 285

Literatura y sostenibilidad en la era del antropoceno: p. 288

The Spanish Flu: Narrative and Cultural Identity in Spain, 1918: p. 291

The Day of the Dead: and Other Mortal Reflections: p. 293

Vol. 18 (2013)

Entrance to the City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia, Spain,  “Bienvenido a la ciudad de las artes y las ciencias.”


La reivindicación de la ética en la política: un análisis del movimiento de indignados, by Ramón Feenstra: p. 13

The Puerta del Sol and 15M: A Synecdoche of Power and Protest, by Matthew I. Feinberg: p. 30

Tango and Lunfardo: Transatlantic Reflections of National Identity, by María Claudia André: p. 54

The Shifting Boundaries of Sociomoral Disgust in Jovita Gonzalez and Eve Raleigh’s Caballero, by John Pierce: p. 71

The Legal Process in Brazilian Literature: Two Twentieth-Century Novels, by Mark Lokensgard: p. 82

Three Burials, Two Countries, One Destiny: Borders and Visual Meaning in The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada, by Rudyard J. Alcoce: p. 90

The Fruit of Poison: Nature and Terror in Alejo Carpentier´s The Kingdom of this World, by Beatriz Rivera-Barnes: p. 106

Una objetividad subjetiva: Paradigmas coloniales en las observaciones botánicas de Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés y José de Acosta, by David S. Dalton: p. 122

La peregrinación científica hacia el monasterio de Las Batuecas: viaje a Las Hurdes de Gregorio Marañón, by Conxita Domènech: p. 138

The Masters and the Slaves of Cultural Criticism: From Biology to Culture and Back, by Jerry Hoeg: p. 155


Horacio Kalibang or the Automata, by Eduardo Ladislao Holmberg, translated by Sam Smiley and Ana Lucía Alonso, drawings by Gina Kamentsky: p. 175

Book Review

A Review of New Lenses for Lorca: Literature, Art, and Science in the Edad de plata, by Cecelia J Cavanaugh. Lanham, MD: Bucknell UP, 2012. 201 p. Reviewed by Jerry Hoeg: p. 199

Vol. 17 (2012)

Salón de Actos of the Ateneo, Madrid, Spain.


La mente en la cueva: El yo del Otro prehistórico, by Dale J. Pratt: p. 15

Diabetes and the Body Politic In Emilia Pardo Bazán’s El Cisne de Vilamorta, by Anne W. Gilfoil: p. 35

Translating and Interpreting “El Aleph” by Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986): a Problem With Mathematics, by Martha Muciño and Richard Shumway: p. 45

Pertenencia Mutua: Dignifying Death and Honoring Mother Earth in Zapatista Discourse, by Gregory Stephens: p. 59

Comunicación, Redes y Construcción Colectiva, by Cristina M. Pogliani, Nora Okulik, and Alicia H. Jubert: p. 82

Clarice Lispector: From a Process-Oriented View, by Floyd Merrell: p. 102

To the Chief Seattle of the Red Skin Tribe, by Álvaro Reyes Toxqui and Emma Zapata Martelo: p. 126

Remember Me as an Episode of The Twilight Zone: Media, Technology, and Memory in Rodrigo Fresán’s Mantra, by Paul M. McNeil: p. 135

How to Join The Geopiracy Project, by Joseph Henry Vogel, Janny Robles, Camilo Gomides, and Carlos Muñiz: p. 153

Quantum Mechanics and Literature: An Analysis of El Túnel by Ernesto Sábato, by Victoria Carpenter and Paul Halpern: p. 167

Book Reviews

A Review of Ecocríticas. Literatura y medio ambiente, edited by Carmen Flys Junquera, José Manuel Marrero Henríquez & Julia Barella Vigal. Madrid: Iberoamericana, 2010. 422 pp.   Reviewed by Luis I. Prádanos.: p. 188

A Review of The Magic of Reality: How We Know What’s Really True, by Richard Dawkins, illustrated by Dave Mckean. Free Press, a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc. New York. 2011. 271 pp. Reviewed by Martha Muciño: p. 191

Review of Colorado Review of Hispanic Studies, John Slater and Andrés Prieto, eds. Boulder: University of Colorado, 2009. 286 pp.   Reviewed by Conxita Domènech: p. 194

Review of The Emergence of Latin American Science Fiction, by Rachel Heywood Ferreira. Middletown, Connecticut: Wesleyan University Press, 2011. 301 pp. Reviewed by Sam Smiley: p. 197

Vol. 16 (2011)

Latin American Literature and the Environment

Excerpt from Preface by Guest Editor:

“The goal of this volume on Latin American Literature and the Environment is to provide our readers with multiple approaches to the Latin American landscape. In the spirit of Ometeca, authors were invited to explore the many connections between the humanities and the sciences. Each and every one of the essays presented here can be considered a unique way of scrutinizing specific ecological implications and the relationship between man and nature, or nature and culture, in a text. Some of the questions involved in the papers compiled in this volume are: How does a text represent the physical world? What moral questions are raised relative to man’s interaction with nature? How does a text bring the reader’s awareness to a specific ecosystem? The hope is that such an approach will prove that deforestation and pollution are tangible and measurable realities, shed light on how to preserve the remaining forests, control or curve pollution, promote conservation, and also contribute to a dialogue between the arts and the sciences.

Again, this has been a most rewarding experience for me. I am  looking  forward to . . . all further opportunities to contribute to Ometeca’s various scholarly endeavors.”

— Beatriz Rivera-Barnes, Penn State University


Amazonian El Dorados and the Nation: Euclides da Cunha’s À Margem da História and José Eustasio Rivera’s La Vorágine, by Rex P. Nielson: p. 16

Negotiating Colonial Roots and Gendered Places: Machismo and Feminism in Esmeralda Santiago’s América’s Dream, by Alison Van Nyhuis: p. 32

Houssay, canon literario argentino, by Ariel Barrios Medina: p. 57

“Scientific American”: Histories, Fictions, and Representations, by Sam Smiley: p. 95

Teaching Realism in the Age of Second Life, by Dale J. Pratt: p. 108

Marrying Old and New, by Harriet Turner: p. 113

“The Corrected Pessimist”: Reading Ramón y Cajal as Real through Second Life, by Juan Carlos Martín: p. 117

21st-Century Second Life and the 19th-Century Urtext, or Virtual Reality and Illustrated Narrative: What Aristotle Might Have Said, by Stephen Miller: p. 122

Literary Realism, On and Off the Grid (Teaching Realism in the Age of Second Life®), by Hazel Gold : p. 125

Uncertainty, Models, Environment, And Effective Answers to Environmental Deterioration, by Teresa Kwiatkowska and Wojciech Szatzschneider: p. 131

Don Quijote and Second Lifen, by Kevin S. Larsen: p. 146

Nuevos escenarios para la educación y el aprendizaje, by Cristina M. Pogliani, Nora Okulik, and Alicia H. Jubert: p. 152

Don Juan versus Bacteriology: Competing Narrative Explanations of the 1918-19 “Spanish” Flu Epidemic in Spain, by Ryan Davis: p. 171

El lugar de las humanidades en la educación superior: la propuesta de José Ingenieros, by Cristina Beatriz Fernández: p. 190

El Desarrollo de las Competencias Comunicacionales en la Educación del Ingeniero Industrial, by Eduardo A. Castro: p. 205

Book Review

Review of Postpoesía. Hacia un nuevo paradigma, by Fernández Mallo. Madrid: Anagrama,year, 2009, 200 p. Reviewed by Luis I. Prádanos, Texas Tech University: p. 230

Older Issues (2010-1989)

Vol. 14/15 (double, 2010):
A Special Double Volume of Ometeca

Excerpt from Preface by Guest Editor: “The goal of this special edition on Educating for Ecological Sustainability is to provide readers with a compendium of insights and strategies for transforming academic disciplines, pedagogical practices, and our larger educational vision. The pursuit of ecological sustainability is a current and crucial challenge. . . .

This special edition provides insights toward solutions, while recognizing the enormity of the task. We are talking about changing structures, thinking, and habits, on a large scale, which is obviously a daunting challenge. Daunting, but necessary. Education is key. Like all volumes of this type, it makes a contribution to a worldwide “coming to awareness” (tomando consciencia).

. . . Ometeca’s vision of integrating the sciences and the humanities, or at least putting them into dialogue, has always provided me, and many others, opportunities to think outside the academic box we too often find ourselves in. It is my hope that this special edition helps us to think big and differently about education in an age of ecocrisis.”

William Homestead, New England College


Education for Sustainability: Scholarship at the Intersection of the Arts, Humanities, and Sciences by Tom Kelly: p. 16

Steps to the Recovery of Ecological Intelligence by C. A. Bowers: p. 43

Preparing Future Generations: Climate Change, Sustainability and the Moral Obligation of Higher Education by Dane Scott: p. 53

Stories as a Social Transformation Tool to Work toward a Sustainable Future: Sustainability Stories Help Put the Pieces Together, Connect the Dots, and Build Sustainable Communities by Thomas R. Hudspeth: p. 77

Preparing the Next Generation of Leaders to Practice Sustainability by Robert B. Seaman: p. 107

Teaching Sustainability as a Living Practice: A Place-Based Course of Intellect, Heart, and Behavior by Lisa K. Barlow: p. 124

The Greening of Religion: Insights and Principles for Teaching about Religion and Ecological Sustainability by Dan Spencer: p. 138

Green Chemistry as a Central Area for Interfaces between the Humanities and Sciences by Liliana Mammino: p. 164

Environmental Dance as an Educational Practice for Ecological Sustainability: Raising Epistemic Consciousness among Educators by Dianne Eno: p. 191

How to Sustain Your Mind While You Sustain the World by Linda Wiener: p. 216

Starting a Farm at Your School by Josh Slotnick: p. 225

Learning From the Past: Environmental Hazards and Human Responses by Teresa Kwiatkowska and William Forbes: p. 234

Educating for Ecological Sustainability in Political Science by Peter G. Stillman: p. 252

Urban Sustainability: Teaching at the Interface of Environmental and Urban Studies by Brian J. Godfrey: p. 274

Restorative Environments and Human Well Being: How We Treat the Earth Is How We Treat Ourselves by M.J. Raleigh: p. 294

Wilderness Experience and First-Year Programs by Brian Van Brunt: p. 309

Storytelling for Sustainability by Meredith Bird Miller: p. 320

Collapse Tourism: Reflections Floating Face Down by Joseph Henry Vogel: p. 342

Communicative Praxis in an Age of Ecocrisis by William Homestead: p. 347

Book Reviews

Ayala, Francisco J. Darwin’s Gift to Science and Religion. Reviewed by Kevin S. Larsen: p. 393

Fray Alonso de Veracruz (1507-1584): Misionero del Saber y Protector de Indios. Reviewed by Martha Muciño: p. 396

Vol. 13 (2009)


Copernicus in the Philippines, 1600 by John N. Crossley: p. 14

Influjo de la «Escuela de Salamanca» en las Independencias Americanas by Miguel Anxo Peña González: p. 27

Encuentro Lingüístico: El Español en América y las Primeras Lenguas Indígenas by Rafael Lazcano: p. 69

Respuesta Bioclimática de la Arquitectura Colonial Religiosa en México by Gloria María Castorena and Aníbal Figueroa: p. 76

El descubrimiento de Nuevas Rutas Marítimas en el Siglo XVI y su Influencia en el Desarrollo del Arte by Ana Julia Arroyo: p. 89

Fray Alonso de la Veracruz y la Cosmografía Augustiniana by Armando Barrañón: p. 104

Encuentro de dos Culturas: sus Representaciones Simbólicas en la Medicina y el Diagnóstico by Javier de la Fuente Rocha: p. 117

Scientific Discourse in Hispanic Letters: Columbus and the Coding of Culture by Jerry Hoeg: p. 131

Calvino, Borges and Scientific Imagination by Floyd Merrell: p. 139

Was Machado de Assis an Evolutionary Psychologist? by Marie-Odile Monier Chelini and Emma Otta: p. 164

Disfunciones de la Memoria en “Funes el Memorioso” y Memento: Una Lectura Neurocultural by Luis I. Prádanos: 174


Mysteries by Kathryn L. Nevin: p. 186

Sólo un Instante by Rafael Català: p. 187

In an Instant by Rafael Català, translated by James Romano: p. 188

Lo Que Puede el Darse Cuenta, by Rafael Català: p. 189

What Becoming Aware Can Do, by Rafael Català, translated by Suzanne Sausville: p. 190

Book Reviews

José Manuel Sánchez Ron, ed. La ciencia y El Quijote, Reviewed by Kevin S. Larsen: p. 191

Hoeg, Jerry; Larsen, Kevin S., eds. Interdisciplinary Essays on Darwinism in Hispanic Literature and Film: The Intersection of Science and the Humanities, Reviewed by James D. Anderson: p. 197.

Vol. 12 (2008)


Clearing the Deck: The New Evolutionary Theory, by David Sloan Wilson : p. 16

Narrative as Social Mapping — Case Study: The Trickster Genre and the Free Rider Problem, by Michelle Scalise Sugiyama : p. 24

To Discover, an Intransitive Verb: Christopher Columbus’s First Encounter with the American Landscape, by Beatriz Rivera-Barnes : p. 43.

On the Use of English as the Language of Communication in the Social Sciences, by Patrick-André Mather : p. 59

Some Implications of Cognitive Psychology for Chicana/o Literature, by Jeff P. Turpin : p. 67.

Histeria, afeminamiento y La Amiga Íntima de María del Pilar Sinués, by Camilo Gomides : p. 85

A Disciple of Jean-Jacques Rousseau under the Coconut Trees: Journey to Guinea and the Caribbean Islands in Columbia, by Sandra Marchand : p. 98

Ecocriticism as an Economic School of Thought: Woody Allen’s Match Point as Exemplary, by Joseph Henry Vogel : p. 105

A fêmea seletiva: Uma interpretação darwinista de O cortiço (1890), de Aluísio Azevedo, by Ricardo Waizbort : p. 120

The Moral Sense of Suitors and Selectors in Jacinto Octavio Picón, by Travis Landry : p. 137

From Virile to Sterile: Feminization, Masculinity and Darwinism in Late Nineteenth-Century Argentina, by Adriana Novoa : p. 152

Book Reviews

T[homas] E. Bell. Galdós and Darwin, Reviewed by Dale J. Pratt : p. 176

Linda Wiener and Ramsey Eric Ramsey. Leaving Us to Wonder: An Essay on the Questions Science Can’t Ask, Reviewed by Dale J. Pratt : p. 179

Evelyn Fishburn and Eduardo L. Ortiz, ed. Science and the Creative Imagination in Latin America, Reviewed by Jerry Hoeg : p.182

Joseph Carroll. Literary Darwinism: Evolution, Human Nature, and Literature, Reviewed by Kevin S. Larsen : p. 184

Robert Storey. Mimesis and the Human Animal: On the Biogenetic Foundations of Literary Representation, Reviewed by Kevin S. Larsen : p. 187

Vol. 11 (2007)


A Parody of Madness in El loco by Pedro Molina, by Luis A. Jiménez : p. 10

Illusions and Reality: the Hidden Biology of Fantasy, Secrecy, and Mystery, by David P. Barash : p. 22

La Escuela de Salamanca y la Enseñanza Agustina de la Cosmografía en la Nueva España, by Armando Barrañón Cedillo : p. 32

The Social Construction of Age: A Look at the Discourses, by Patricia Andrew : p. 50

Between Models and Metaphors: On the Popularization of Techno-Science in Contemporary Spain, by Juan Bautista Bengoetxea : p. 75

Science Writing and Beautiful Writing, by Liliana Mammino : p. 104

The Two Stories: Ecological Facts and Environmental Values, by Teresa Kwiatkowska : p. 128

Razón y Sensibilidad: Alrededor del Sacrificio, by Raúl Hernández Valdés : p.   139

Evolutionary Narrative: An AdaptationistApproach to Narrative, by Jerry Hoeg : p. 153

El Proyecto Ometeca sobre la Convergencia de las Ciencias y las Humanidades, by Eduardo A. Castro : p. 177

Book Reviews

David P. Barash and Nanelle R. Barash. Madame Bovary’s Ovaries: A Darwinian Look at Literature, Reviewed by Kevin S. Larsen : p. 186

Jerry Hoeg and Kevin S. Larsen, eds. Science, Literature, and Film in the Hispanic World, Reviewed by Eduardo A. Castro : p. 190

Jennifer M. Correy. Perceptions of Magic in Medieval Spanish Literature, Reviewed by Kevin S. Larsen : p. 192

Vol. 10 (2006)


Adaptationist Literary Study: An Introductory Guide, by Joseph Carroll : p. 18

Social Contagion and the Concept of Culturome: Biomedical Metaphors in Understanding Culture, by Katya Mandoki : p. 41

A ficção crítica (aproximações entre a hermenêutica de Gadamer e o mundo 3 de Popper via Borges), by Ricardo Waizbort : p. 51

For a Brief History of Cyberculture in Hispania: Some Remarks and Proposals, by Andoni Alonso and Iñaki Arzoz : p. 86

Tecnología y sociedad más allá del siglo XX: Desde Ortega y Gasset hasta una nueva propuesta ética, by Ramón Queraltó : p. 104

Imagining Human Possibilities: A Plea for Technological Completeness, by Juan José Zoreda-Lozano and Margaret Lee Zoreda : p. 123

La creatividad en la enseñanza de la ingeniería, by Nora B Okulik and Alicia H. Jubert : p. 141

Liderazgo y literatura en la era del conocimiento, by Eduardo A. Castro : p. 153

La doble naturaleza de la imaginación y la dinámica frenética de la Fantasía (O cómo el pecado del hombre no fue comer un fruto sino crear un cuento), by Álvaro Reyes Toxqui : p. 172

An Ecocritical Analysis of The Old Man Who Read Love Stories by Luis Sepúlveda, by Camilo Gomides and Joseph Henry Vogel : p. 182

La Edad Media y el Renacimiento, by Rafael Català : p. 202

Book Reviews

Horacio C. Reggini. El futuro no es más lo que era: La tecnología y la gente en tiempos de Internet, Reviewed by María Cristina Boiero de De Angelo : p. 208

Andrew Brown. Test Tube Envy: Science and Power in Argentine Narrative, Reviewed by Jerry Hoeg : p. 212

Tomás Monterrey, ed. Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses, Reviewed by Jerry Hoeg : p. 213

José Manuel Sánchez Ron. Cincel, martillo y piedra: Historia de la ciencia en España (siglos XIX y XX), Reviewed by Kevin Larsen : p. 214

Stephen Jay Gould. The Hedgehog, the Fox, and the Magister’s Pox, Reviewed by Kevin Larsen : p. 217

Vol. 9 (2005)


Building Scientists’ Moral Responsibility through Science Fiction/La ciencia-ficción en la construcción de la responsabilidad moral del científico, by María Cristina Boiero de De Angelo

El proceso de desenvolvimiento espiritual: ¿Experiencia científica o fenomenología exclusivamente individual? y otras películas neo noir, by Eduardo A. Castro

Innovative Interactions between Sciences and the Humanities, by Luis O. Arata

Consilience of Human Evolution and a Seemingly Trivial Detail in “The Story of the Captive” by Cervantes / La “consiliencia” de la evolución humana y un pormenor aparentemente trivial en “La historia del cautivo” de Miguel Cervantes, by Camilo Gomides

The Myth of the Machine and the Machine as a Work of Art: Reflections on the Work of Lewis Mumford, by Bruno Gulli

Hacia una mayor vinculación entre Ciencia y Humanidades, by Leonor L. López Tevez, Nora B. Okulik, y Alicia H. Jubert

Ciencias, humanidades, educación: Ecos latinoamericanos de la polémica en torno a “las dos culturas” / Sciences, Humanities, Education: Latin American echos on the Discussion about “The Two Cultures,” by Cristina Beatriz Fernández

Las consecuencias indeseadas de la ciencia: Una lectura ética desde Latinoamérica, by Abelardo Barra Ruatta

La escuela y la conformación del lector: Aportes desde la investigación, by María Dolores Duarte

Some General-Character Reflections on the Relationships Between Humanities and Sciences, by Liliana Mammino

La razón de ser: El equilibrio dinámico, by Heriberto Jáuregui Lorda

Ecological Debt and the Existence Value of Biodiversity: The Evidence Begins with the Diario of Columbus’ First Voyage to America, 1492-1493, by Joseph Henry Vogel and Camilo F. Gomides


Darrell B.Lockhart, ed. Latin American Science Fiction Writers: An A-Z Guide, Reviewed by John Riddle

Jerry Hoeg. Science, Technology and Latin American Narrative in the Twentieth Century and Beyond, Reviewed by Luis A. Jiménez

Mariano Ben Plotkin. Freud in the Pampas: The Emergence and Development of a Psychoanalytic Culture in Argentina, and editor Argentina on the Couch: Psychiatry, State, and Society, 1880 to the Present, Reviewed by Kevin Larsen

Damien Broderick. The Architecture of Babel: Discourses of Literature and Science, and six other books on science and literature, Reviewed by Jerry Hoeg

Notes and News

From Science to Technology and Violence: Philosophy That Makes a Difference, by Carl Mitcham

Green Letters: Science and Literature, by Jerry Hoeg

Vol. 8 (2004)


Arte y artificio de la ciencia histológica”: Pío del Río-Hortega y Federico García Lorca, by Cecelia Cavanaugh

Representaciones cinemáticas de inteligencia artificial: la realidad e identidad del individuo en Abre los ojos y otras películas neo noir, by Juan Carlos Martin

“Degenerados, genios y figuras”: Spanish Novelists and Max Nordau in the 1890s, by Dale J. Pratt

The Zoning of Envidiópolis: Urban Planning and Reform in La desheredada, by Anne W. Gilfoil

“The Beautiful Humanity: Nature and Culture in Scheiller’s Aesthetics” by Teresa Kwiatkowska

Histórica transmoderna para la ciencia colonial novohispana, by Jaime Vilchis R.

Some Reflections About Objectivity and Truth in Science, by Eduardo Alberto Castro

Carlos Fuentes’ Dystopia: Cristóbal Nonato, by Alicia Rivero


Laura Otis. Metaphors of Invasion in Nineteenth-Century Literature, Science, and Politics, and Vacation Stories by Santiago Ramón y Cajal, translated by Laura Otis. Reviewed by Kevin S. Larsen

Dale J. Pratt.  Signs of Science: Literature, Science, and Spanish Modernity since 1868. Reviewed by Kevin S. Larsen

Vernon A. Chamberlin. The Perils of Interpreting “Fortunata’s Dream” and Other Studies in Galdós. Reviewed by Kevin S. Larsen

Wilson, Stephen. Information Arts: Intersections of Art, Science, and Technology. Reviewed by Jerry Hoeg

Alonso Andoni. El arte de lo indecible (Wittgenstein y las vanguardias). Reviewed by Carl Mitcham

Isidoro Reguera. Wittgenstein: Un ensayo a su costa. Reviewed by Carl Mitcham

Notes and News

Carl MitchamTwo New Centers of Philosophy and Tecnology in the Spanish Speaking World

Poetry / Poesía

Andrei Smirnov, Fragment

Rafael Català, Magic Johnson se baña y otras películas neo noir

–––, Magic Johnson Heads for the Shower

Vol. 7 (2003)


An Ecology of Communication / Una Ecología de la Comunicación, by William Homestead

Ethics of the Unpredictable: Toward a New Understanding of Living Systems / La Ética de lo Impredecible: Hacia una Nueva Interpretación de los Sistemas Vivos, by Teresa Kwiatkowska

El Diálogo entre el Arte y la Ciencia: Un Camino hacia la Integración de la Conciencia, by Ana María Llamazares, Gabriela Siracusano, y Clara Kriger

The Indispensable Interpretive Role of Time: Deferent Literary Meaning and Convergent “Scientific” Truth / El Rol Indispensable e Interpretacional del Tiempo: Significado Literario Divergente y la Verdad Científica Convergente, by Alan D. Manning

In Memoriam, by Luis Fernando Rivera

The Poetry of G. Trakl in M. Heidegger’s Analysis / La poesía de G. Trakl en el Análisis de Heidegger, by Luis Fernando Rivera

A Qualitative Research Design for Literary Response in a Foreign Language, by Margaret Lee Zoreda

Postmodern Science, Systems Complexity, and Multicultural/Transcultural Concerns, by Juan J. Zoreda-Lozano and Margaret Lee Zoreda

Crossing Perception Thresholds through Literature, by María Cristina Boiero de De Angelo and Ana Celi de Torti


José Carlos Tiago de Oliveira, ed. J. Tiago de Oliveira: O Homem e a Obra. Reviewed Marguerite Itamar Harrison

Larsen, Kevin S. La ciencia aplicada: Gabriel Miró y la tradición científica. Reviewed by Jerry Hoeg

 Vol. 5/6 (double, 2002)

Ética y Docencia: Homenaje a la Dra. Haydée Vitali

Dedication / Homenaje

A la Dra. Haydée Vitali

Preface / Prefacio

Miguel Alvarado, Cuatro poemas / Four Poems:

  1. Nikolai Morozov, poeta científico;
  2. La palabra / nos inventa;
  3. en un mismo espacio;
  4. darle vuelta a la punta del tiempo

Ileana Fuentes, A matter of choice

The Poets


“Not Better, Exactly, No. But More in Touch With Reality”: Hypoesis vs. Metaphor in Science Fiction, by Eric Heyne

Arte y Ciencia: Una Comunión de ideas, by Gabriela Siracusano

The Definition Phase in Systems Development and Art Criticism, by Richard Kibbey

The Renaissance Encyclopedia, by John Lepage

Fractal Logic In Romanticism and Posthumanities / La Lógica Fractal del Romanticismo y las Posthumanidades, tr. de Eleonora Falco, by Ira Livingston

A Pattern of Discovery of Canonical and Occult Sciences in Horacio Quiroga’s “The Artificial Man,” by Michael E. Wong-Russell

Entralgo’s Plato: The First Verbal Psychotherapist! / El Platón de Laín Entralgo: Padre de la Psicoterapia Verbal, by Nelson Orringer

De Euclides a la Cuarta Dimensión del Tiempo: Confrontación Científica en “Geometría del Espacio,” Poesía de Neyla Vélez, by Teresa Rozo-Moorhouse

The Problem of Late Modernism: Critical Sociology in Latin American Literature / El Problema de la Modernidad Tardía: La Sociología Crítica en la Literatura Latinoamericana, by Emma Zapata Martelo and Alvaro Reyes Toxqui

Scientism in the Argentine Literature of Nineteenth Century / El Cientificismo en la Literatura Argentina de Fines del Siglo XIX, by Graciela Nélida Salto

Epistemological Discourse and Aesthetic Expression, by Carlos A. Bellino de Albuquerque Sacadura

The Geometry Of Travelling, by José C. Brandão Tiago de Oliveira

On Art, Dimensionality and Time, by José C. Brandão Tiago de Oliveira

Toward a Unified View of Sin and Disease: Menninger and Laín Entralgo, by Thomas R. Franz

Unseen Partner in the Dance: The Crucial Part Played by Science in the Twentieth Century Literary Response Research / La Pareja de Baile Invisible: El Papel Crucial de la Ciencia en la Investigación de Reacción Literaria en el Siglo Veinte, tr. de Charles Voth, by Karen Armstrong

City of the Caesars: The Indelible Mark Left by the Myth on Geography, Economy and Literature, by Oscar R. Nocetti and Lucio B. Mir

Jorge Luis Borges, C. S. Peirce, and a Throw of the Dice: Signs of our Time / Jorge Luís Borges, C. S. Peirce, y un Tiro de los Dados: Signos de Nuestros Tiempos, by Floyd Merrell

The Biophilia Hypothesis, by Doris Z. Fleischer

Practicing An Ecological Ethos: On Living Sciencepoetry, by William Homestead

Eco’s Symbolic Cosmos: Trapped in the Labyrinth of Metaphor, by Paul Halpern and Felicia Hurewitzr

Tragedia Como Discurso Ideológico: Código, Contexto y Competencia, by Jerry Hoeg

La Mística Científica, by Eduardo A. Castro


Contreras Castro, Fernando. Unica mirando al mar. San José, Costa Rica: ABC Ediciones, 1993. Reviewed by Jerry Hoeg

Alvaro Zamora, and Mario Alfaro, eds. Dédalo y su estirpe: Historia-tecnología-filosofía. Cartago, Costa Rica: Editorial tecnológica de Costa Rica, 1993. Reviewed by Jerry Hoeg

 Vol. 3.1-2 /4. 1-2 (double, 1996)

Prefatory Note/Nota preliminar


Lucila Velásquez, Cinco poemas, Five Poems

Jackie Bartley, Five Poems

James W. Penha, Four Poems in Chaos

Daniel Handal, Dos Poemas

Rafael Català, Dos Poemas / Two Poems

Poetry Contributors / Poetas colaboradores

Articles / Artículos

Math and Ideology/Matemática e ideología, by Daniel Fineman

Interdisciplinariedad, lenguaje y literatura: El reto de formar científicos/ Interdisciplinary Knowledge, Language and Literature: The Challenge of Raising Scientists, by Lourdes Sifontes Greco

Los Cuernos de Don Friolera: Hacia una nueva aproximación epistemológica/ Communication, Information, and Literature: Los cuernos de Don Friolera, by Jerry Hoeg

The New Story of the Caribbean: Quantum Mechanics and Postmodern Theory in Antonio Benítez Rojo’s La isla que se repite/La nueva historia del Caribe: La mecánica cuántica y la teoría posmoderna en La isla que se repite de Antonio Benítez Rojo, by Shelly Jarrett Bromberg

Observaciones sobre la reconstrucción y transfiguración artística de la biografía del científico, teólogo, hereje y mártir, Miguel Servet, en dos obras de Alfonso Sastre, “Flores rojas para Miguel Servet y La sangre y la ceniza,” by Urszula Aszyk

Funcionalización paradigmática de los conocimientos científico y teórico-crítico literario/Paradigmatic Functionalization of Scientific and Literary Critical Theoretical Knowledge, by Federico A. Chalupa

Nonlinear Dynamics in Literature: Creative Chaos and the Modern Spanish Novel/La dinámica no lineal en la literatura: El caos creativo y la novela española moderna, by Rosalea Postma-Carttar

José Martí, Darwin y el comportamiento de los animales en La edad de oro/José Martí, Darwin and The Behavior of Animals in La edad de oro, by Luis A. Jiménez

Pynchon on Latin Americans/Pynchon y los Latinoamericanos, by Lance Schachterle

Medical Technology on Stage/Tecnología Médica en Escena, by Angela Belli

Visiones poético-científicas del paisaje rural, urbano e industrial/Poetico-Scientific Visions of Rural, Urban and Industrial Landscape, by Ciro A. Sandoval B.

‘Intermediate’ Technology, Ecology and a ‘Becoming’ Life: Marge Piercy’s Fiction and Schumacher’s Small is Beautiful/Tecnología ‘intermedia’, ecología y vida venidera: la ficción de Marge Piercy y Lo pequeño es bello, by Sally A. Jacobsen

Science and Fiction in El amor en los tiempos del cólera/Ciencia y ficción en El amor en los tiempos del cólera, by Wilma Detjens

The Fusion of Opposites: Borges and Particle Physics/La fusión de los opuestos: Borges y las partículas sub-atómicas, by Mark Mosher

The Medical Background of Fortunata y Jacinta: The Case of Maxi’s Migraines/El trasfondo médico de Fortunata y Jacinta: El caso de las jaquecas de Maxi Rubín, by Kevin Larsen

Shark Dissection as Poetry and Philosophy: the Practice of Science/La Disección de Tiburones como Poesía y Filosofía: La Práctica de la Ciencia, by Linda Wiener

Ciencia ficción: Fomentando valores culturales y críticos en el curriculum universitario del inglés técnico en México/Science Fiction: Promoting Cultural/Critical Values in the Technical English University Curriculum in Mexico, by Margaret Lee Zoreda and Juan Zoreda-Lozano

Of Poets, Prophets, and Engineers: Nezahualcoyotl and Nezahualpilli/Sobre poetas, profetas e ingenieros: Nezahualcóyotl y Nezahualpilli, by Michael Capobianco and Gloria S. Meléndez

Literature and Anthropology: Miguel Delibes’ ‘Las ratas’, by Virginia Higginbotham


Dennis Cutburth, Fractal Landscape/Paisaje fractal


Ciencia, Tecnología y Futuro by Rogelio Frigerio. Reviewed by Linda Wiener

Cinders by Jacques Derrida. Reviewed by Ramsey Eric Ramsey

The Comedy of Entropy by Patrick O’Neill. Reviewed by Kevin Larsen

OULIPO: A Primerof Potential Literature, ed. Warren F. Motte, Jr. Reviewed by Michael Capobianco


Information / Communication Theory and the Humanities: An Annotated Bibliography/La teoría de la información / comunicación y las humanidades: una bibliografía anotada, by Jerry Hoeg

Vol.  2.2 (1991)

Rafael Català, Prólogo / Prologue


Robert Frazier, Maurits Cornelis Escher Unfolding a New Physics

Matías Montes Huidobro, El canto del átomo

–––, La voz de la furia

Arthur Sze, The Shape of Leaves

Leopoldo Castilla, La araña

–––, El mutante

–––, Ecuación

Jaime B. Vilchis, Bolero

Deborah Stephenson, Defense

Kathryn L. Nevin, After So Much Adjusting

Poetry Contributors / Poetas colaboradores


Mónada, cuanta y entropía en el caos celiano/Monad, Quantum and Entropy in Cela’s Chaos, by Matías Montes Huidobro

Borges, Nietzsche and Poincaré Recurrence, by Paul Halpern

Algunas características linguísticas y estilísticas de la prosa científica alfonsina, by José Gil

Arte fractal/Fractal Art, by Carlos Ginzburg

Mirrors and Mirages: Magic in Macondo, byJane Robinett

Fotología fractal/Fractal Photology, by M. B. Hautem


Interview with Ernesto Cardenal, by  Lynn Conroy and Luis Jiménez


A Bibliography of Criticism of the Work of Ernesto Cardenal, by  Luis Jiménez


Paul Halpern. Time Journeys: A Search for Cosmic Destiny and Meaning. Reviewed by Nelson Orringer

Ernesto Cardenal. Cántico cósmico. Reviewed by Rafael Chabrán

The Quantum Poetics of Ernesto Cardenal. Reviewed by Enrique Lamadrid

Alliage. Culture-Science-Technique. Reviewed by Kevin Larsen

Marcelino Cereijido La nuca de Houssay: La ciencia argentina entre “Billiken” y el exilio. Reviewed by  Duane Rhoades

Vol. 1.2/2.11 (double, 1990)

Rafael Català, Preface/Prefacio


Ernesto Cardenal, Canto Cuántico

Luis Moniz Pereira, Auto / lisérgico

Sander Zulauf, As Far as Einstein Goes

Arturo Alvarez Sosa, NarcisoLASER

–––, El péndulo de Foucault

–––, Los quarks no saben contar

Vilma Bayrón Brunet, Trapo, trapos . . .

–––, Que no se nos enquiste el absurdo

Maria Gillan, When the Universe Halts Its Infinite

–––, Spinning and Light Breaks

–––, Musings in a Hospital Room

Jesús Barquet, Optica

Luis Angel Casas, Sintonizando el cosmos

Elizabeth Socolow, At the Horizon, Prometheus

Arminda Valdés Ginebra, Dolor en Geometría

Poetry Contributors


Deconstruction Reconstrued: Chaos Theory and the Works of Guillermo Cabrera-Infante, by William L. Siemens

¿El arte en la ciencia?/Art in Science?, by Roald Hoffmann,

Os ‘Bio-poemas’ de Vitorino Nemésio, by Fátima Freitas Morna

Octavio Paz and Sciencepoetry: Theoretical Convergences/Octavio Paz y la cienciapoesía: Convergencias teóricas, by Luis A. Jiménez

Digressions on/of the Melancholy Mind in Lazarillo de Tormes and the Libro de la Melancholia, by Teresa Soufas

Matemática e Literatura: Algumas Novas Interfências /Mathematics and Literature: Some New Interferences, by Claude Berge

Ciencia y Literatura en Alfredo Collado-Martell: un primer caso de inseminación artificial, by William Rosa

Diego de Zúñiga (1535-1600?), Job, and The Reception of Copernicus in Spain, by Rafael Chabrán

Ensayo preliminar acerca de una teoría matemática de la literatura/Towards a Mathematical Theory of Literature: A Pilot Study, by Michael Capobianco


Fernando Pessoa, Escritos astrológicos inéditos

Interview / Entrevista

Gioconda Marún, Entrevista con el poeta José Luis Crespo


Roald Hoffmann. Gaps and Verges. Reviewed by Rafael Català

Arturo Alvarez Sosa. La singularidad desnuda. Reviewed by Rafael Català

Antonio Benítez Rojo. La Isla que se repite. Reviewed by Rafael Chabrán

Carl Mitcham. ¿Qué es la filosofía de la tecnología? Reviewed by Rafael Chabrán

A. Zee. Fearful Symmetry: The Search for Beauty in Modern Physics. Reviewed by Kevin Larsen

The Significance and Impact of Gregorio Marañón. Reviewed by  Gary D. Keller


Rafael Chabrán. Cervantes and Medicine: A Selected Bibliography

 Vol. 1.1 (1989)

Rafael Català, A propósito de Ometeca / A propos of Ometeca


Elizabeth Socolow, Daughter Cells And Viola D’Amore

Antonio Gedeão, Pedra Filosofal

Robert Lima, Black Hole

–––, Azimuth

–––, Angularity

Rafael Català, La espontaneidad del panadero

–––, Epitafio para el siglo XX

Articles / Artículos

Quantum Theory, Spacetime, and Borges’ Bifurcations, by Michael Capobianco

Nature and Technology in Delibes’ The Hedge: Can humankind have any hope?, by
Barbara Currier Bell

Borges, O Matemático, by José Carlos Brandão Tiago de Oliveira

Signos en rotación en el neobarroco pictórico de Severo Sarduy, by Leonor A. de Ulloa

Gabriel Miró, Lucretius, and Thermodynamics, by Kevin Larsen

Andrés Bello: para una ciencia de los estudios históricos en la América Latina, by Beatriz González Stephan

Making the Body Human: Ideas Published and Unpublished of Pedro Laín -Entralgo, by Nelson R. Orringer

Texts / Textos

Fernando Pessoa, Escritos astrológicos inéditos

Reviews / Reseñas / Resenhas

Paciencia Ontañón de Lope. Ana Ozores, La Regenta. Reviewed by
Kevin Larsen

Thomas Glick. Einstein y los españoles: Ciencia y sociedad en la España de Entreguerras. Reviewed by Kevin Larsen